Dataset description:
This dataset contains corpus data used in the paper described below.
The dataset set consists of html-pages that contain the results for corpus searches in the Russian National Corpus (RNC) as described in the methodology of the corresponding paper and in the methodological information of this README file. Furthermore, it contains the scripts that were used to save these html-pages and to extract the relevant information from them. The scripts created csv files which were then imported into a LibreOffice Calc document with the ".ods" extension. (2023-11-05)
Article description:
The present small-scale study compares the usage of the verbal prefix do- in contemporary Russian and Ukrainian using the Ukrainian parallel corpus of the Russian National Corpus. Two datasets were analyzed: In the first one, translations of Russian do- verbs into Ukrainian were analyzed, whereas the second dataset dealt with translations of Ukrainian do- verbs into Russian. The focus of the discussion was on cognate translations with different prefixes.
While the amount of data does not allow any strong conclusions, it is shown that in both languages do- prefixes can express the same meanings, namely REACH, REACH (ABSTRACT), ADD, CONVEY, and, when used together with postfix -sja, EXCESS. As the discussion shows, there is reason to believe that the CONVEY meaning is less productive in Russian where it is used in words restricted to official contexts and in fixed expressions.
A quantitative analysis showed that among cognate translations from Ukrainian into Russian, the prefix was more often different than in translations from Russian into Ukrainian. This can be seen as a further clue for a wider application of Ukrainian do- compared to its Russian counterpart. (2023-11-05) |