This Dataset, Replication Data for 'Subject pro-drop and past-tense auxiliary clitics in South-Western Ukrainian' (hereafter: Dataset), may be reused according to the CLARIN PUB+BY+OTHER license as described below:
Copyright holder: Jan Fellerer
Resource: Replication Data for 'Subject pro-drop and past-tense auxiliary clitics in South-Western Ukrainian'
The Copyright holder grants the End-User a free, non-exclusive and perpetual (for the duration of the copyright) right to use and make copies of the Resource, distribute copies and present the Resource in public as such, as modified, or as part of a compilation or derived work. The permission applies to all known or future modes and means of communication and includes a right to make modifications enabling the use of the Resource on other devices and in other formats.
Additional license terms as defined in the Condition Definitions section below:
- General Use conditions: BY
- Distribution conditions: OTHER
Condition Definitions:
- BY: Attribution, i.e. acknowledgement of authorship, is required.
- OTHER: Content subject to Copyright and Similar Rights must not be translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights. Note: This restriction only applies to the actual Copyrighted text extracts contained in the column "TOKEN" in the data files of the Dataset. This means that the text extracts as contained in the data files of the Dataset cannot be changed, e.g., by combining them together to a coherent text, but researchers will be allowed to integrate and derive the Dataset as long as they do not change the text extracts.
This license has been made in compliance with copyright agreements by WIPO – the World Intellectual Property Organization. The rights granted in this license shall be so interpreted that in case applicable intellectual property laws grant rights not mentioned in this license, they are also regarded as part of the rights to be licensed; the purpose of this license is not to restrict any rights intended to be licensed within different legal systems. Additional rights to the Resource may be agreed separately in writing.
Reused sources:
This Dataset contains data from the following sources:
- Lisovyj, Vasyl’. 2014. Spohady. Poeziji. Kyjiv: “Smoloskyp” 2014. pp. 114-20. [ca. 1.1% of total length of the book: 664 pages];
- Krušel’nic’ka, L. I., and V. M. Trypačuk. 2001. Rubaly lis… Spohady halyčanky. L’viv: L’vivs’ka naukova biblioteka im. V. Stefanyka. pp. 28-31, 41-43. [ca. 2.7% of total length of the book: 259 pages].
- Hlibčuk, N. M., ed. 2000. Hovirky pivdenno-zaxidnoho nariččja ukrajins’koji movy. Zbirnyk tekstiv. L’viv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka. pp. 36-37. [ca. 1.3% of total length of the book: 155 pages].
- Hlibčuk, N. M., ed. 2005. Ukrajins’ki hovirky pivdenno-zaxidnoho nariččja. Teksty. L’viv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka. pp. 36-40. [ca. 2.1% of the total length of the book: 236 pages].
Ukrainian copyright legislation "provides an exhaustive list of exceptions from copyright to allow free use on the condition that the author’s name and the original source are mentioned", i.a., "the use in short quotes in an amount corresponding to the purpose of quotation"; see Romashchenko, Daria & Ilarion Tomarov. 2019. Copyright in Ukraine 2019. Kyiv: Vasil Kisil & Partners. Available at Although this exception is not equivalent to the principle of Fair dealing, we argue that the rationale for Fair dealing is relevant for deciding when a quotation may be said to be "in an amount corresponding to the purpose of quotation".
According to UK Copyright Law (cf., “[f]actors that have been identified by the courts as relevant in determining whether a particular dealing with a work is fair include:
- "does using the work affect the market for the original work? If a use of a work acts as a substitute for it, causing the owner to lose revenue, then it is not likely to be fair"
- "is the amount of the work taken reasonable and appropriate? Was it necessary to use the amount that was taken? Usually only part of a work may be used”
The extracts used in the Dataset may be said to represent fair dealing according to both these factors:
- The extracted material does not affect the market for the original work, as it is unlikely that any targeted reader would refrain from using the original works because of the availability of the extracted material contained in the Dataset.
- The amount of the extracted work is reasonable and appropriate as it was necessary to carry out the study, and as it is necessary to replicate the study.
We thus argue that the quotes used in the data files of the Dataset are within an amount corresponding to the purpose of quotation, and hence that the use and redistribution of the excerpts described above are in compliance with Ukrainian copyright legislation.