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Published Aug 31, 2015
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This file contains the data referred to in chapter 5.5.2 (Die Bedeutsamkeit des Unterschieds zwischen Aspektpartnern) of my thesis. An experiment called "card experiment" (Kartenexperiment) was developed for the purpose of investigating firstly the functional and semantic differences Russian native speakers assign to the members of an aspectual pair and secondly the significance they adjudge to this difference. Especially the latter (i.e. significance of the semantic difference between the members of an aspectual pair, e.g. on otkryl - on otkryval) was examined through the comparison of differences between other grammatical forms (e.g. differing in gender or tense) and pairs of words related by lexical word formation (e.g. on otkryl - otkryvalka). The experiment is called "card experiment" because the participants were confronted with ten pairs of cards, each of which was imprinted with a word form from the same word family (4 versions of the experiment with 4 different word families exist: otkryt’, prosit’, plakat’, polozhit’). One of the cards from each pair was imprinted with the so-called "anchor form" (on otkryl, on prosil, on plakal, on polozhil). The form printed on the second card from each pair varied. It was either another grammatical (among these the aspectual) form from the same verb or a lexical derivative. The participants’ task was to go through all of the word pairs, firstly to describe the functional and/or semantic differences between their meanings and secondly to position the cards from each pair in a certain distance, so as to symbolize the significance assigned to the meaning difference by the participant. For a meaning difference of low significance participants were supposed to place the cards in a small distance, accordingly, for a difference of higher significance the distance between the two cards was expected to be bigger (for a more detailed description of the study design see chapter 5.2 (Untersuchungskonzeption) of my thesis). 121 adult Russian native speakers took part in this experiment. The participants’ work was recorded by a camera. I analyzed the final picture and established a rank order of distance sizes (1-10). The first, second, third and fourth sheets of this file (ordered by word family) contain the resulting raw data, i.e. the rank orders for each participant. Column A gives the participants’ ID. Columns B-K contain the ranks for each word pair, entitled by their relationship. Identical columns for all sheets are: Gender (B), infinitive (C) and tense (D). The positions of mood, participle, verbal noun, aspect (in case of plakat’ this relationship requires three columns for three different prefixed derivatives) and individual lexical derivatives differ among the 4 word families. Equal distances are treated with equal (mean) ranks. The fifth sheet of this file contains the results of the descriptive analysis, separately for each word family. The most important values (bold face type) are the median and the interquartile range for each word pair relationship. The last row of each section (12, 25, 38, 51) gives an interpretation of the interquartile range based upon a study by Krause (2002)*. * Krause, M. 2002. Subjektive Bewertung von Vorkommenshäufigkeiten. Methode und Ergebnisse. In: Glottometrics 2, 53-81.
card experiment