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Nov 27, 2023
Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Andersen, Gisle; Hofland, Knut; Kristiansen, Marita, 2023, "Norges offentlige utredninger (NOU) 1998-2017", https://doi.org/10.18710/6DYUED, DataverseNO, V1
This data set contains the Official Norwegian Reports (Norges offentlige utredninger, NOU) that were published in the time period 1998-2017. The files have been retrieved in the context of the research project "Changing Nature. A lexical and argumentative analysis of public debat...
Plain Text - 75.5 KB - MD5: 43a3e9bb090a92c6a8b76cc34480aed0
ZIP Archive - 5.1 MB - MD5: f63c3d384d72de6c493c3d3b52908226
ZIP Archive - 7.8 MB - MD5: 59a357411b07ccea9b60e421b7787685
ZIP Archive - 8.9 MB - MD5: d3d16e1acd9bef5441c5eb45ca04fbd0
ZIP Archive - 7.7 MB - MD5: 0829ad469e2b4d5fbe139e276ac94677
ZIP Archive - 4.5 MB - MD5: 76017550fc5060458b14ba71a437a497
ZIP Archive - 9.1 MB - MD5: 8eb21fc9f13ef93539e706bdd21a6334
ZIP Archive - 8.9 MB - MD5: 7e40a1ce77517b56ef1a427e5da3aeec
ZIP Archive - 4.7 MB - MD5: dc09f00453d83160fd32b196cdd39842
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