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1 to 10 of 786 Results
Plain Text - 5.1 KB - MD5: c82d643acd1aa2d95d4d5595a276de51
Description of the data and data columns
Comma Separated Values - 4.1 KB - MD5: dbe82b20c8d068dcefd6a0967672226d
Data on the feeding preference during the experiment.
Plain Text - 7.9 KB - MD5: c08a78ffa79d2400766ca97d92b26469
The raw data, SPSS file, .sav (user-friendly format)
SPSS Binary - 21.8 KB - MD5: 7f29f5ff53ed64b5b34f6ee90454054d
Readme file, including variables and their associated labels in the SPSS files
Fixed Field Text Data - 34.1 KB - MD5: e65cc62ff8c1d0c95f9e44e83281ef11
The raw data, SPSS file, .dat (open format)
Plain Text - 5.2 KB - MD5: 64db1418a59dddc84ed9a29487269fc7
Information about and instructions for using the dataset
Fixed Field Text Data - 94.9 KB - MD5: b74075798e5a559df86836720ae29330
Data on sleep problems and its associated factors in the late phase of COVID-19
Plain Text - 6.5 KB - MD5: cd6176671ae3abd0067496905bd50132
Readme-file containing a description of the data files and code.
Adobe PDF - 559.2 KB - MD5: 2a50a3f310d4d22f090db19dbd348e0b
Supplement 2 of related publication, including R-code to estimate moose abundance in wolf territories at start of study year.
Comma Separated Values - 1.6 KB - MD5: c9ec9e2fe71123652c875536f95177b1
Input data nr 1 used to estimate moose abundance in wolf territories
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