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21 to 30 of 200 Results
Sep 17, 2024
Janda, Laura Alexis, 2024, "Replication Data for: Understanding ‘many’ through the lens of Ukrainian багато",, DataverseNO, V1
Dataset description: The General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC, Shvedova et al. 2017-2024, was consulted to collect data for further analysis concerning the distribution of Singular vs. Plural verb forms in the target bahato construction. GRAC is a...
Sep 13, 2024
Van Hulle, Sven, 2024, "Replication Data for: The many guises of productivity: a case-study of Spanish inchoative constructions",, DataverseNO, V1
The dataset contains the quantitative data used as input for the Principal Components Analysis conducted in the article "The many guises of productivity: a case-study of Spanish inchoative constructions". The data originates from the Spanish Web Corpus (esTenTen18), accessed via...
Aug 30, 2024
Arctic Indigenous languages and revitalization: an online educational resource, 2023, "Arctic Indigenous Peoples languages and revitalization map",, DataverseNO, V2
Dataset containing (5) GIS shapefiles which can be used to visualize a circumpolar overview map of geographical language speaker areas for Arctic Indigenous Peoples languages with additional attribute information about the languages. The language speaker areas show generally the...
Aug 30, 2024
Nesset, Tore; Sokolova, Svetlana; Björklund, Martina, 2024, "Replication Data for: Shortening mechanisms in Construction Morphology: The Russian spec-N construction",, DataverseNO, V1
This database contains Russian nouns beginning with the string spec from the Russian National Corpus (, such as specoperacija ‘special operation’. The database was created in the following way. First, we searched for all lemmas beginning with spec in the part of...
Aug 21, 2024
Zhamaletdinova, Elmira, 2024, "Replication Data for: The many faces of "možno" in Russian and across Slavic. Corpus investigation of constructions with the modal možno (Chapter 3)",, DataverseNO, V1
This dataset encompasses data from the Main corpus of the Russian National Corpus (RNC, used for analysis provided in Chapter 3 of the Introductory Chapter in the doctoral dissertation "The many faces of "možno" in Russian and across Slavic. Corpus investigation of...
Aug 19, 2024
Verbeke, Gil; Simon, Ellen; Hartsuiker, Robert J.; Mitterer, Holger; De Cuypere, Ludovic, 2022, "Replication Data for: 'Perceptie van een anderstalig accent: Een experimentele studie naar de perceptieve aanpassing aan een exogeen geaccentueerd Nederlands klinkercontrast'",, DataverseNO, V2
Dataset abstract This dataset contains the results from 100 native (L1) Dutch speakers from Flanders (Belgium). These participants completed a (i) lexical decision task and a (ii) phoneme categorisation task. In the lexical decision task, participants were exposed to the accented...
Jul 24, 2024
Van Hulle, Sven; Enghels, Renata, 2024, "From breaking the silence to breaking to cry: verbs of destruction as productive source for the inchoative construction in Spanish",, DataverseNO, V1
The dataset contains the quantitative data used to create the tables and graphics in het article "From breaking the silence to breaking to cry: verbs of destruction as productive source for the inchoative construction in Spanish". The data from the 21th century originates from th...
Jun 16, 2024
Romasanta, Raquel P., 2024, "Background data for: Regression and random forests: Synergies for variationist corpus research",, DataverseNO, V1
This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a that- or -ing-complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were retrieved using the online interface ( and manually annotated for several...
May 23, 2024
Maouene, Josita; Sethuraman, Nitya; Uziel-Karl, Sigal; Hidaka, Shohei, 2024, "Replication Data for: The Associative System of Early-Learned Hebrew Verbs and Body Parts: A Comparative Study with American English",, DataverseNO, V1
Paper abstract: This paper compares the associative system of early-learned verbs and body parts in Hebrew with previously published data on American English (Maouene, Josita, Shohei Hidaka & Linda B. Smith. 2008. Body parts and early-learned verbs. Cognitive Science 32(7). 1200–...
May 14, 2024
Lorenz, David; Tizón-Couto, David, 2024, "Replication Data for: Learning to predict - second language perception of reduced multi-word sequences",, DataverseNO, V1
DATASET ABSTRACT This is the data and code from a word-monitoring task, in which advanced learners of English responded to the word 'to' in verb + to-infinitive structures (V-to-Vinf) in English, where 'to' could occur in a full or reduced pronunciation (e.g. "prefer to" [tʊ] or...
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