21 to 30 of 323 Results
Feb 14, 2024
Kjeldsberg, Ludvik Andreas; Deborah, Hilda; Forberg, Thor Eivind, 2024, "A Database of Dead Sea Scroll Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Centuries", https://doi.org/10.18710/SY6PV2, DataverseNO, V1
The 20th and 21st centuries have seen more than 160 different exhibitions featuring the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since the first exhibition at the Library of Congress in Washington (DC) in 1949, these scrolls—stemming from the Essenes living northwest of the Dead Sea 2,000 years ago—hav... |
Plain Text - 6.1 KB -
MD5: 247ae19f9984c24e792aef6bb64bb5f9
This readme file provides useful information about the Dead Sea Scroll exhibitions database. |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 76.3 KB -
MD5: 10a467b6c78dd5c0b9b455810bc39a1c
This Microsoft Excel file contains the Dead Sea Scroll exhibitions database, giving a variety of information about them. |
Comma Separated Values - 111.8 KB -
MD5: 743af840ed12fea7dd51d1f48e345dfd
This CSV file is a copy of the Microsoft Excel file containing the Dead Sea Scroll exhibitions database, giving various information about them. |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 41.5 KB -
MD5: 4f745ab26436b3e596f1c8d44618e4be
This Microsoft Excel file is a database of exhibited Dead Sea Scrolls. |
Comma Separated Values - 67.6 KB -
MD5: 64661a587950dde7d7b8f4e8e7df8568
This CSV file is a copy of the Microsoft Excel file containing a database of exhibited Dead Sea Scrolls. |
Feb 6, 2024
Kjeldsberg, Ludvik Andreas; Justnes, Årstein; Deborah, Hilda, 2024, "A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments", https://doi.org/10.18710/JKTXN1, DataverseNO, V1
Since 2002, more than a hundred "new" Dead Sea Scroll fragments have appeared on the antiquities market. Most of these fragments are tiny and deteriorated and have later been revealed as modern forgeries. Nonetheless, they have been big business. In this database, we have catalog... |
Feb 6, 2024 -
A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments
Plain Text - 5.0 KB -
MD5: 8c65fc991b3fe297e29c88ebcfe2409a
This read me-file gives useful information about the post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like fragments database. |
Feb 6, 2024 -
A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 66.2 KB -
MD5: 01b803b8f2640a2735c04d15d6eccb63
This Microsoft Excel file contains the database cataloguing the post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like fragments. |
Feb 6, 2024 -
A Database of Post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like Fragments
Comma Separated Values - 78.9 KB -
MD5: dfb5725ddefae55d0b80da64ed82bed6
This CSV file is a copy of the Microsoft Excel file containing the database of post-2002 Dead Sea Scroll-like fragments. |