This dataset, "Covid-19 Country Level Social Science Dataset", may be reused according to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license as described here:
The reuse of this present dataset is restricted to non-commercial because the data providers of two of the sources used in this present dataset, i.e. World Value Survey and Freedom House, do not permit commercial reuse of their data. If you want to reuse this present dataset commercially, you must ask permission to do so from these two data providers.
The data combined in the tabular file in this dataset, "Covid-19 Country Level Social Science Dataset", has been obtained from sources from the following data providers (in alphabetical order) as described in section 3 of the code book contained in this dataset:
Central Intelligence Agency,, used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source database and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
Esping-Andersen, G. (1990), used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
European Center for Disease Control and Prevention,, used under ECDC's copyright policy.
European Union,, used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
Freedom House,, used under the following terms:, non-commercial use approved.
Klein EY, Tseng KK, Pant S, et al. Tracking global trends in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy using the Drug Resistance Index BMJ Global Health 2019;4:e001315:, used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,, used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
Our World in Data,, used under CC BY 4.0 (
Scruggs, Lyle, Detlef Jahn and Kati Kuitto. 2013. “Comparative Welfare Entitlements Data Set 2, Version 2013-08.” Used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
Statistics Norway,, used under Public Domain. The data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset.
United Nations,, licensed under CC BY 3.0 IGO (
World Bank, through World Bank API, used under CC BY 4.0 ( See the Terms of Use declaration of the source:
World Health Organization (2018), used under CC BY 3.0 (
World Value Survey,, used under the following terms: "the WVS and EVS survey data can be used free of charge and with no registration required for any non-commercial purpose such as research, teaching, publication etc" (see file "WVS Citation format 2017-2020.pdf" on source webpage:, non-commercial use approved. Note that World Value Survey prohibits publication of the original WVS datasets. However, the data used from this source are a small selection of facts that were taken from the source and rearranged / combined with data from other sources in this present dataset. The presentation of the data from World Value Survey is thus not a publication of the original WVS dataset.
Natural Earth,, licensed under Public Domain Mark (