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101 to 110 of 9,380 Results
Comma Separated Values - 198 B - MD5: 6a799a7eb69f4ab5b01fe240d1339e64
Ba/Ca in mmol/mol in foraminifera from plankton tow
Comma Separated Values - 424 B - MD5: 7dc207eba6a268b4898dbf6513b6a08a
Distribution coefficients for element/Ca in cultured foraminifera
Comma Separated Values - 1.6 KB - MD5: 4cc72c1658a6b8acab49e62ccfb993c3
Element/Ca of foraminifera grown at 4.5C assuming 60% off shell weight is crust when separating of crust and lamellar calcite
Comma Separated Values - 10.1 KB - MD5: bcbe328412c4f5bed455c4115198adc9
Element/Ca in mmol/mol in cultured foraminifera. Using MgCa in separation of crust and lamellar calcite.
Comma Separated Values - 384 B - MD5: 729cb6cbc48a4fd18d70cbf9ec44041a
Element/Ca in mmol/mol in culture media
Comma Separated Values - 4.6 KB - MD5: 5528812cc8501497f1480ff741d082f7
Element/Ca in mmol/mol in fossil foraminifera
Comma Separated Values - 1.8 KB - MD5: d428f0da9d1f1e762433512f83d588a5
Element/Ca of foraminifera grown at 4.5C using NaCa in separation of crust and lamellar calcite
Plain Text - 5.8 KB - MD5: 95a40281f5c3e47324e658e3e7f36ab5
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