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11 to 20 of 962 Results
Dec 2, 2024
Martinsen, Iver; Sørensen, Steffen Aagaard; Ortega, Samuel; Godtliebsen, Fred; Tejedor, Miguel; Myrvoll-Nilsen, Eirik, 2024, "Replication Data for: Quantifying Uncertainty in Foraminifera Classification: How Deep Learning Methods Compare to Human Experts", https://doi.org/10.18710/QGBZZK, DataverseNO, V1
This dataset contains PNG images of individual foraminifera and sediment grains. The dataset contains a set of training images, and a set of test images. Each of the sets contains four subfolders for each of the four classes in the dataset. The four classes are: A (Benthic Agglut...
Nov 19, 2024
Serov, Pavel; Andreassen, Karin; Winsborrow, Monica; Mattingsdal, Rune; Patton, Henry, 2024, "Replication Data for: Geological and glaciological controls of 21,700 active methane seeps in the northern Norwegian Barents sea", https://doi.org/10.18710/7PE8Q9, DataverseNO, V1
The dataset contains replication data for scientific article "Geological and glaciological controls of 21,700 active methane seeps in the northern Norwegian Barents sea". Specifically, it contains multibeam echosounder data in .gwc (generic water column) format acquired in CAGE 1...
Nov 1, 2024
Plotnikov, Timofei, 2024, "Replication Data for: Analyzing GPT-4 Misinterpretations of Russian Grammatical Constructions", https://doi.org/10.18710/8CAPJM, DataverseNO, V1
GPT-4 interpretations of the dataset of 2,227 examples gathered from Russian Constructicon (https://constructicon.github.io/russian/)
Oct 31, 2024
Henriksen, André; Weitz, Marc; Svartdal, Frode; Grimsgaard, Sameline; Hartvigsen, Gunnar; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter, 2024, "Replication Data for: Automatic time in bed detection from hip-worn accelerometers for large epidemiological studies: The Tromsø Study", https://doi.org/10.18710/VP5DMU, DataverseNO, V1
Dataset description 16 participants wore an Actigraph w-GT3X on their right hip together with two consumer-based wearables, a Polar Vantage (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) watch and an Oura (Oura Health Oy, Oulo, Finland]) ring. This data, as summarized in this repository, h...
Oct 29, 2024
Punnakkal, Abhinanda Ranjit; Jadhav, Suyog S; Celeste, Aaron Vaughn; Horsch, Alexander; Agarwal, Krishna; Prasad, Dilip K, 2024, "3DOSL - 3D Organelle Shape Library for Optical Microscopy", https://doi.org/10.18710/JX6JXF, DataverseNO, V1
This dataset contains individual 3D mitochondria extracted from 3D electron microscopy images in different 3D shape representation formats of meshes, point clouds and implicit shapes. The dataset also includes synthetic microscope images of these shapes.
Oct 21, 2024 - NMDC Node UiT
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2018, "Scenery photos without the frame (1979)", https://doi.org/10.18710/TBE9FN, DataverseNO, V2, UNF:6:m5XkifHmbpHxDbBgnabtaQ== [fileUNF]
Contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard. The data base contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard and mainland at depths from ca. 5 to 30 m at non-marked, non-revisited locations. These non-scaled photogra...
Oct 11, 2024
Ezat, Mohamed Mahmoud; Fahl, Kirsten; Rasmussen, Tine L., 2024, "Biomarker, foraminiferal abundance, stable isotope and trace element data from sediment cores JM11-FI-19PC and LINK 16 from the southern Norwegian Sea during 130-110 ka", https://doi.org/10.18710/3LCQJX, DataverseNO, V1
We present biomarker, foraminiferal abundance, stable isotope and trace element data from sediment cores JM11-FI-19PC and LINK16 from the southern Norwegian Sea during 130-110 ka. Sediment core JM11-FI-19PC was retrieved from a water depth of 1179 m northwest of the Faroe Islands...
Oct 8, 2024
Henriette Trollvik; Tinna Gunnarsdottir, 2024, "Data from Smoke Particle Impact Detector (SPID) rocket instrument", https://doi.org/10.18710/LLRBOS, DataverseNO, V1
It contains data from the smoke particle impact detector (SPID). SPID is a Faraday cup impact probe designed to measure nanometer-sized smoke particles, called meteoric smoke particles, in the mesosphere. These are remnants of meteors ablating in the atmosphere. The instrument wa...
Oct 4, 2024
Petit Bon, Matteo; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala, 2024, "Replication Data for: Goose grubbing and warming suppress summer net ecosystem CO2 uptake differentially across high-Arctic tundra habitats", https://doi.org/10.18710/HJN3LV, DataverseNO, V1
Environmental changes, such as climate warming and higher herbivory pressure, are altering the carbon balance of Arctic ecosystems; yet how these drivers modify the carbon balance among different habitats remains uncertain. This dataset is used to investigate how spring goose gru...
Sep 27, 2024
Rasmussen, Tine Lander, 2024, "Supporting Data for: Variations in deep-sea methane seepage linked to millennial-scale changes in bottom water temperatures ~50–6 ka, NW Svalbard margin, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-72865-3", https://doi.org/10.18710/QLMJVH, DataverseNO, V1
This dataset contains oxygen and carbon stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) data, percentage of planktic and benthic foraminiferal species, and bottom water temperatures calculated from transfer functions on benthic foraminiferal census data measured in core HH12-940PC from Vestnesa...
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