1,721 to 1,730 of 1,761 Results
May 19, 2016 - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Pfuhl, Gerit, 2016, "Pilotering av single kategori implisitt assosiasjonstest (sc-IAT)", https://doi.org/10.18710/XEGHUL, DataverseNO, V1, UNF:6:X/zFEqaq9T47sdkLIFJC1Q== [fileUNF]
Datafiler er fra piloteringen av implisitt assosiasjonstesten (IAT) som fant sted onsdag 28.10.15 (på TEO H3 3.416) i data laboratorium på Psykologi- biblioteket ved Norges arktiske universitet (UiT). Datoformatet er 24 timers- rytme med måned, dag og år. 9 personer fullførte en... |
May 19, 2016 - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Barrett, Robert T., 2016, "Atlantic gannet Morus bassanus counts ring controls", https://doi.org/10.18710/R7RQY6, DataverseNO, V1
Counts of apparently occupied nests of Atlantic gannet Morus bassanus in Norway + records of ringed bird caught in the colony. |
Apr 25, 2016 - TROLLing
Pepper, Steve, 2016, "Replication data for: Windmills, Nizaa and the typology of binominal compounds", https://doi.org/10.18710/MP1JF6, DataverseNO, V1
This data set consists of 500+ nominal compounds from the African language Nizaa (sgi; Niger-Congo, Cameroon). It is based on an unpublished word list collected by Rolf Theil ( genannt Endresen) of the University of Oslo in the 1980s. Each compound and its constituents are glosse... |
Apr 13, 2016 - TROLLing
Janda, Laura A.; Antonsen, Lene, 2016, "Replication data for: The ongoing eclipse of possessive suffixes in North Saami: A case study in reduction of morphological complexity", https://doi.org/10.18710/4XTXMH, DataverseNO, V2
North Saami is replacing the use of possessive suffixes on nouns with a morphologically simpler analytic construction. Our data (>2K examples culled from >.5M words) track this change through three generations and parameters of semantics, syntax, and geography. Intense contact pr... |
Apr 5, 2016 - TROLLing
Nesset, Tore, 2016, "Replication data for: Spøkelsesfiske, makrellfotball og traktoregg: norske sammensetninger og konseptuell integrasjon", https://doi.org/10.18710/R4E1EW, DataverseNO, V1
This database is part of a study of Norwegian compounds from the perspective of cognitive linguistics and conceptual integration published in the Norwegian journal Maal og Minne. The database contains a large number of compounds based on the word fiske ‘fishing’. Here is some inf... |
Apr 4, 2016 - TROLLing
Hartmann, Stefan, 2016, "Replication data for: Hartmann (2016): Word-Formation Change", https://doi.org/10.18710/CVQPYG, DataverseNO, V2
These data contain corpus concordances from a diachronic study of German nominalization patterns, reported on in Hartmann (forhc.), investigating three word-formation patterns on the basis of two corpora: a) nominalization with the suffix -ung, b) infinitival nominalization, c) v... |
Mar 29, 2016 - TROLLing
Endresen, Anna; Janda, Laura A.; Reynolds, Robert; Tyers, Francis M., 2016, "Replication data for: Who needs particles? A challenge to the classification of particles as a part of speech in Russian", https://doi.org/10.18710/700FNV, DataverseNO, V1
In 1985, Zwicky argued that “particle” is a pretheoretical notion that should be eliminated from linguistic analysis. We propose a reclassification of Russian particles that implements Zwicky’s directive. Russian particles lack a coherent conceptual basis as a category and many a... |
Feb 8, 2016 - TROLLing
Nesset, Tore, 2016, "Replication data for: "Cyclic" Time in the History of Russian: Culture and Language Internal Factors", https://doi.org/10.18710/BUGMHY, DataverseNO, V1
This study contains Old Russian data concerning an article about cyclic time in the history of Russian. The data are from four Old Russian Chronicles: Povest’ vremennyx let (available at TOROT: http://nestor.uit.no/), Suzdal’skaja letopis’ (available at http://www.lrc-lib.ru/rus_... |
Jan 25, 2016 - TROLLing
Clasmeier, Christina; Anstatt, Tanja; Ernst, Jessica; Belke, Eva, 2016, "Replication data for: Are Schalter and šapka good competitors? Searching for stimuli for an investigation of the Russian-German bilingual mental lexicon", https://doi.org/10.18710/T6ITR3, DataverseNO, V1
Abstract of the corresponding paper: Journal articles on language processing rarely comment on difficulties and obstacles in the construction of the material for experimental investigations. This is remarkable, given that the compilation of appropriate, i.e. valid and well-contro... |
Nov 30, 2015 - TROLLing
Endresen, Anna; Janda, Laura A., 2015, "Replication data for: "Five statistical models for Likert-type experimental data on acceptability judgments"", https://doi.org/10.18710/LAMNKW, DataverseNO, V1
We provide supplementary materials for a paper that contributes to the ongoing debate over Likert scale experiments, in particular the issues of how to treat acceptability judgment data (as ordinal or interval) and what statistical model is appropriate to apply. We analyze experi... |